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What are the Reasons My Child Doesn't Want a Tutor?

Discover the reasons why your child avoids tutoring and how you can address their concerns effectively. Learn about Canberra tutoring solutions to help your child succeed.

[5 minute read]

Everyone needs help when struggling in something they don’t understand, but sometimes not everyone wants that help. Many students have established a negative stigma with the tutoring system. This stigma being that they’re a failing or incompetent student if they need help. Private tutoring is about aiding children who need extra help positively and productively, although your child may not realise this.

Here are five reasons why your child may freak out if you suggest tutoring!

1. Feelings of Denial


As a parent, it’s important to recognise if your child is struggling and may need extra help in their schooling. Tutoring is a great way to aid your child; although your child may think they don’t need help. Children struggling may associate that having tutoring sessions means they’re not smart. Rather than your child recognising their struggles, they think it’s better to study harder at home and do it themselves.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and it’s important to let your child know that everyone needs help. Tutoring services aren’t a form of punishment for bad grades, but about improving and building your child’s confidence in their abilities. Your child will be able to feel confident in themselves after working with Math tutors. The same goes for other subjects, such as English tutors.

2. The Mindset


It’s important for a student to work hard, put in effort and always be persistent; but believing in your capabilities is extremely crucial in their educational journey. Struggling students who don’t believe they can excel in school often view a tutoring experience as pointless. At school and in some inefficient forms of tutoring, students often learn from worksheets and not every child will learn through this teaching style.

Students who aren’t productive from worksheets may have the mindset that they can’t learn and a professional tutor won’t help. Tutoring builds your child’s confidence in their capabilities and fills their studying gaps. Although your child may believe a tutor is a waste of time, a tutor may be exactly the thing they need.

3. Peer Pressure


At school, your child may be influenced by peer pressure that having an English tutor or Maths tutor makes them incapable of studying. The thought of tutoring may make your child worry that their friends may tease them for needing help. As a parent, it’s crucial that your child understands that everyone needs help, including their friends.

Tutoring aids your child’s confidence to overcome peer pressure and shrug off any negativity from their classmates about getting help. If your child’s friends aren’t accepting of your child’s choice, new friends may be needed.

4. After School Blues


Most students are exhausted after a long day at school from studying and being overloaded with too much knowledge. Rather than working on extra homework, your child may prefer that extra time on TikTok and video games.

Many struggling students may often associate schoolwork and the classroom as negative and discouraging. It’s reasonable for your child to change their environment when studying, and tutors offer great benefits. Tutoring is made to be a fun and relaxed studying environment. Rather than using handouts and worksheets, quality tutoring should focus on the most productive and fun way to help your child’s learning style.

5. The Process


Having a new mentor can be a scary or discouraging thought to students looking to improve, and finding the right tutoring in Canberra can be tough.

The right tutor for your child allows them to personally meet them face-to-face and bond with them. At Big Improvements we encourage face-to-face tutoring and aim to steer away from online and home tutoring in Canberra.

Many struggling students may view tutors as negative, demanding and pressuring. If choosing a tutor for your child, include them in the process of finding a tutor they can relate to. If your child feels they have an opinion, the process will become a more productive, better journey.


At Big Improvements Tutoring we aim to provide a supportive, encouraging, secure environment for your children to learn and discover in confidence with low tutoring rates through our specialised learning program. If you’re looking for tutors near me, or you think your child would benefit from positive, individualised private school tutoring, click the link below to enrol today!