(02) 6242 7725

You Asked &
We Answered.

Below, you will find frequently asked questions by parents separated into categories and topics. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, contact us!


How long is each session?

60 minutes… It seems to be the perfect amount of time for children to concentrate wholeheartedly without becoming tired or bored.

How often do children come for tutoring?

Depends on what your child needs… Most children come once a week for an hour. Some kids come twice a week or have a 2 hour session each week. About 85% of our students come once a week and that is perfect for them.

Can you help with school assignments too?

Of course! We’re happy to help out. Whatever your child needs is what we will do our best to help with. Naturally, we won’t do your child’s assignment for them, but we can help your child plan out what to put in their assignment and how to get started and keep on track. It’s a great way for children to learn.

What are the benefits of having children work in pairs?

Because children love it! Kids feel more comfortable in pairs than when they are alone.

Years ago, we used to work one-on-one with children but the kids didn’t enjoy it.

We believe that one-on-one tutoring feels intimidating and creates too much pressure for most kids, particularly those who struggle.

Also, we don’t stick kids in old-style big groups of 4 or 5 like other tutoring places do, because we want to provide more personal attention to your child.

Learning is fun with a carefully matched new friend.

My child sometimes causes trouble at school. Can you handle that?

Keep in mind that we are not the boring ‘traditional’ tutoring that most people imagine. We are fun, interactive, relevant and ‘hands-on’.

Most kids who cause grief at school absolutely love coming to tutoring, so we are unlikely to experience the poor behaviour that kids might do at school.

If your child is struggling to focus at tutoring, we will try a few different things to help, and we will be honest and helpful with parents while we ‘tweak’ things.

Why don't you have lock-in contracts?

We really believe in what we do so we are confident that you will be delighted with your child’s tutoring. We’ll leave the term-based lock-in contracts for other tutoring places. (If your phone company cared as much as we did, they wouldn’t need a lock-in contract either.)

More Specific Questions?

How often will we receive feedback?

Every time you pick up your child from tutoring, we encourage you to come in and have a quick chat with the tutor. That way, we can show you what your child has been working on, what skills they are getting the hang of, and what is still tricky for your child. That’s a lot of helpful feedback!

How do we arrange catch-up sessions?

We can be flexible for you. If your child is sick, just send us a text message or email before the session, and let us know when a convenient time for a catch-up session would be. If it’s something like a school camp or a family holiday, we just ask for 5 days of notice.

Do you tutor during the holidays?

No. We tried that once, and it simply did not work well for kids or families. We believe kids need a break on the holidays so they can recharge and be enthusiastic when they come to us during the school term.

Feeling Welcome & Settling In

What happens at my child's first tutoring session?

One of us will meet you and your child at the door with a big, warm welcome. Together, the three of us (Child + Parent + Tutor) will gently look at your child’s strengths and weaknesses to identify the ‘gaps’ in your child’s skills. We’ll introduce your child to some other friendly students and a few of the caring tutors so your child feels right at home. We help your child enjoy their experience and look forward to their next session.

How do future sessions work?

Your child comes to their regular afternoon tutoring sessions at the same time each week, waving goodbye to Mum or Dad. We work on the skills ‘gaps’ we identified in the first session.

We try different approaches until we know what styles of learning are most comfortable. We can work from the plan we came up with in the first session, or if your child has school assignments they need help with, we can spend some time working on their schoolwork too.

At the end of the session, parents come and get some feedback on how their child went.

How long does it take before I see progress at school?

Good question! How long is a piece of string? Usually, we see fairly fast improvements in children’s confidence (sometimes literally in a matter of weeks).

Improving academic skills takes longer. Most children experience academic improvements in the 6, 12, or 18 months that follow.

Most parents prefer us to be more focused on building skills than on short-term school results.

Building skills for the long term means that school results will generally follow.

Enrolment and Payments

Can we start partway through the school term?

Yes, if you are joining us partway through a term. However, for students who have been with us last term, your child will have 10 sessions per term.

The flexibility is that parents get to choose when those 10 sessions happen. It means your child gets all the help they need when they need it most.

Do we pay fortnightly or for the full term at once?

Most parents are paying fortnightly, but if you want to pay for the full term at one time to get it out of the way, we can send you an email with the link to do that. Just tell us, and we’ll send you what you need.

How do the 10-week term/sessions work?

Like this:

  • If your session falls on a public holiday or student-free day, you can reschedule it for another day that week or experience a double session the following week.
  • Students in schools with shorter terms (i.e. 9-week instead of 10-week terms) can reschedule their week 10 session to earlier in the term when they feel the weight of exams/assignments (They’ll benefit from help when is it most appreciated).
  • Senior and high school students who finish school early will have extra sessions to use when they are stressed with assignments. You can move lessons from Weeks 8, 9 or 10 to earlier in the term when it is most needed.
  • If you can’t attend a session, give us at least 5 days of notice, and you can arrange extra sessions earlier or later in the term.
Why do 10 sessions per term if re-enrolling at the start of term?

Why? Because it’s a great way to help your child:

  • Every child does 10 sessions, and parents can choose exactly when they’d like those sessions.
  • Parents get the simplified direct debit that they’ve wanted.
  • Children get all of their 10 sessions instead of missing out, and it keeps your child in the routine of getting all their sessions every week despite public holidays, student-free days at school, camps, or early school holidays. (The routine works, just like other sports or organised activities).
  • Helps us keep fees low for families because it simplifies our organising for you.
What if we just started tutoring, but it’s already halfway through the term? Do we pay for the whole term?

No. However many weeks of school are left in the school term is how many sessions we will arrange for you. You will only be charged for the sessions that you come for. Only students who have already been with us last term need to organise 10 sessions per term.

Can I just send my child for less than 10 sessions and not be charged?

Yes, if you are joining us part-way through a term. However, for students who have been with us last term, your child will have 10 sessions per term. The flexibility is that parents get to choose when those 10 sessions happen. It means your child gets all the help they need when they need it most.

Rescheduling & Moving Session Times

When my child is sick, are we able to arrange a courtesy catch-up session at less than 5 days of notice?

Yes. Nobody can predict sickness 5 days ahead, so call us or email us and let us know when would be a good time for a catch-up session. As long as you have told us before the session starts, we will be happy to arrange a catch-up session that suits you.

What if there are public holidays, student-free days or a shorter school term?

What if my child’s first day back to tutoring falls on a public holiday… How do I reschedule that? For students coming on Mondays or Tuesdays before school goes back, you will be rescheduling that session to another time. That way, your child won’t miss out on their session and they still get 10 sessions during the term.

Why are we rescheduling around holidays to ensure every child receives 10 sessions?

It’s still flexible for parents and kids won’t miss out due to public holidays. Plus, it keeps things simple to ensure that fees don’t rise for parents. Everybody wins.

My Year 12 child will want to reschedule the last 2-3 weeks of tutoring to earlier in the term during exam time. How do we arrange that?

Simply send us an email or give us a call to arrange dates for your child to either have double sessions or 2 individual sessions in those weeks. We can tell you approximately when exam weeks happen. We just need a minimum of 5 days of notice.

How can I reschedule sessions when I’m not even sure what is happening next term (camps, sporting commitments etc)?

No worries. Let’s book the times and dates that are most likely to work, and if things change for you, just give 5 days of notice to reschedule sessions. We know when the peak times are going to be for your child’s workload, so let’s book in around those weeks.

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