Why Learning Alongside a Friend is a Crucial Part of Making Learning Fun Again

JP Gulliver Uncategorized

It’s important for our children to learn to be independent in their work, but sometimes it’s better for them to work with a friend. Traditionally primary school tutoring is a one-on-one session with a tutor and your child, but studying sessions with a study buddy may be more productive and beneficial as it makes learning more fun.

Here are five reasons why learning with a friend is an important part of making learning for fun for your child.

Learning is Social

At primary school, children learn, play and socialise with other children as we do with our co-workers in the workplace. In primary school, children look forward to going to school and seeing their friends. Kids relax with other children, having no pressure or expectations, as many adults relax with dogs or cats. Primary school tutoring with a friend may benefit your child as they are more excited to come to tutoring. Learning with a friend can boost productivity and make learning fun, as they have a friend and aren’t alone.

Study Buddies Have Similar Needs

Children naturally work well with other students and it’s reassuring knowing your child’s study buddy will have the same needs. Effective primary school tutoring will pair students together who have similar knowledge gaps. This ensures children are filling those gaps together, and feeding off each other’s achievements. Having a study buddy can give your child more comfort in knowing that they are not alone and someone else is having the same struggles as them.

One-on-One is Awkward, Large Groups are Ineffective

Most classrooms have a large group of students and your child may not get enough help from their teacher. As a parent this is concerning, as your child may benefit from extra attention. Primary school tutoring is a great way of getting that extra help. One-on-one tutoring can make your child feel awkward or pressured as there’s no breathing space. Learning with a friend can stimulate your child’s studying as they solve problems with their study buddy and tutor. Students like knowing that their tutor is there to help any step of the way, but appreciate the breathing space when trying to solve problems on their own.

Learning it’s OK to Not Be Perfect

Nobody’s perfect and that’s why pencils have erasers. Children may not understand that it’s ok to make mistakes and not getting an A+ on a test doesn’t make your child a failure. The most important thing is they give it a go with their very best. Learning with a study buddy can show your child that others make mistakes too. Nobody is perfect, and they don’t need to be – the focus is all on problem solving and learning. Primary school tutoring may encourage your child to focus on their effort, even if it seems hard and also to not be afraid of making mistakes.

Students Naturally Encourage Each Other

Students naturally work with each other in the classroom to understand their work. This can be explaining how an equation works in maths or the correct spelling of a word. Everyone needs help from their colleagues every now and then. Primary school tutoring can help your child discover the magical “ah-ha” moment when they’ve figured out how to answer a difficult question and share it with their buddy. Children start to feel accomplished and become more confident, improving their work and enjoying learning more. This benefits their buddy with their shared knowledge and will help your child and their buddy grow and learn.

At Big Improvements Tutoring we aim to provide a supportive, encouraging, secure environment for your children to learn and discover in confidence. If you think your child would benefit from a positive, individualised primary school tutoring, click the link below to book a free session today!